Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Where Can I Find Out About Updates You Ask?

Due to the number of story blogs that I have I decided to create an update blog.  Yeah, I know it sounds redundant but in reality I hope to make things less confusing and time consuming for readers.  Instead of having to subscribe to umpty dozen different blogs you can subscribe to Mother Hen's Story Blogg at and get all of the updates in one location.

There is also a full listing of all of the story blogs on the right hand side of the page and several different subscription choices ... email, readers, google, etc.  Near future during the editing and clean up process I also hope to put a contact link so that if readers have any questions I'll get a direct email.  For now a comment on the blog should get to me.  I'm also going to finally get on that blog that will house all of the recipes that appear in the stories in one location.  I hope to tag those so that you can search them by ingredients, cooking methods, etc.

As always thank you for all of your encouragement.  It is greatly appreciated.


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Like so many others, I read your stories over and over whether they're finished or not. I love the prepping information you give. I was never able to post at timebomb and there are many of us who follow your stories although we haven't been able to let you know. Thank you for giving us one location where we can follow your progress. I hope things are settling down for you so you can get back to writing. Thank you for making your stories available to us.
